
10 things all new moms shouldn't live without!

It doesn't matter if you are having your first baby or your 6th.  These are the things that I feel all moms should have in their arsenal of baby supplies!

1. Co-Sleeper
I love this thing!  I didn't have one for my first son.  I used a bassinet, but this was so much easier.  You can see, they are right next to you and within arms reach for a feeding in the middle of the night. My bed is a little high, but for a regular bed, it would be flush to it, and would be super easy to get your baby, or just watch them breathe.

2. A hooter hider
I don't know what I would do without mine.  It is so much easier to use than a blanket when breast feeding.  It stays in place, until your little one figures out they can move it.  You can see them, and they come in tons of colors, and they are really easy to make.  Steve and I are going to do a tutorial soon on one of these for you!

3. Swaddle Me Blanket
These are amazing!  You don't have to worry about your baby being cold or suffocating from a blanket moving.  They tell you not to put blankets on your little ones, so the inventors of this were genius!  I had several,  different colors, materials, and sizes.  I used one on Baby Diesel until they no longer fit him.  I wish they had one that fit him now.  He hates having a blanket on him and I am real nervous about one being over his head when I check on him.  He is old enough that he can move them, but I still have fears.

4. Rockin Baby Sling
I used mine with both boys, from the time they were born until they were almost two.  When they were tiny they would fall asleep next to me every time I put them in it, I could use both hands to do chores and  I never had to worry about them.  When they got bigger, I can throw them on my hip, tighten the strap and still use both hands to do my chores.  They wanted to be in my arms, and with this I could still do what I needed to do.  I love this sling because it can be used by myself or Steve, it comes in so many colors, it's comfortable and the boys love it, Plus, it didn't separate their legs when they were tiny.  I hate those carriers that have a huge strap between their legs, it just doesn't look healthy for their tiny legs.

5. Medela Breastpump
There are tons of breast pumps out there.  If you are going to have more than one baby, you should invest in a good one instead of a cheap one that won't last you.  The Medela pumps  are great pumps that are as comfortable as a pump can be, there are different models, sizes, etc.  You can see this one looks like a backpack, which is great because if you are going back to work, nobody would know what is in it, they would just think you have a backpack.  I have had mine for almost 5 years, and it works as good as new.  They are worth the money you spend on them.

6. Boppy
Even if you don't breastfeed, you have to have a boppy!  They make holding that new bundle of joy so much easier on your arms, and anyone else that plans on holding the baby for a period of time.  My mom used it after holding the oldest when he was a baby for a little while, and fell in love with it.  She never held him again without it!  They are great, and since you can get slipcovers for them, they last forever!

7.  Baby Sherpa
This is the diaper bag of diaper bags!  It like comparing a Cadillac to a Kia.  Why buy a Kia when you can buy a Cadillac, other than the price, but if it's comparable, wouldn't you choose the Cadi?  It has a compartment for everything!  Steve found it, and had to have it!  We bought it for the second and love it!  You can see it has a 6 can cooler in the bottom.  It can hold cans, or anything else you need to keep cold.  We took ours to NYC for the day and had everything we needed to last all 4 of us all day.  It is defiantly worth buying if you travel or love to take day trips.

8. Tiny Diner
This is a life saver now that the little one is eating from the table.  It sets my mind at ease when we go out to eat, and put this on the table.  You never know how clean those tables are, and he won't eat off a plate, it has to be on the table.  This little device has suction cups so that the little one can't move it, and a tray so that the food falls into it, instead of onto their laps, or the floor.  You remove it when you are done, take it home and wash it, roll it back up and it fits beautifully in your diaper bag.  They are great for your little one once they start eating finger foods.

9.  Chicco Hippo Hook-on

These are amazing little highchairs!  They fold up flat, and have a carrying bag.  We take ours to WV and NJ when we visit the families.  They don't have highchairs for us, so we carry along our own.  It fits on any table, and is safe and doesn't hurt the table.  We also take it to the beach with us, hook it up to a picnic table and it is as safe as any other highchair.  Since it folds flat, you can put it in the back of your car and use it anytime you need a high chair.  It doesn't leave marks on the table either.  We have put it on some pretty nice tables, and it has never hurt a thing.

10. Gown sleepers
These little sleepers are life savers when you have to change a diaper every 2 -3 hours, or more.  They are the easiest thing to use with little ones.  You have all those cute outfits, but they are so hard to change when there is poo up the back, or down the leg, whatever the case.  I use the gowns when I'm at home and until they can't fit into them anymore.

I hope this helps those of you that are having your first baby or your 20th, whatever the case may be.  I have found these are the items I couldn't live without.  I don't think you need a ton of those fancy things like a diaper genie, and such.  Who wants to smell those diapers when you take them out?  Not me!  I put mine in a Wal-mart bag and take it right out to the garbage.  There are so many products out there.  You live and learn, and I think it gets easier with each child.  There are things I registered for with my first, that I never used, but thought I needed.  With the second there were things like the co-sleeper that I wish I had for the first one, but didn't know about.  I'm sure I'll find new things with the next one, that I wish I had for the other two, but only time will tell.  At least I have the most important things, for now.  On a quick side note, you can never have to many white onesies!

Have a great day! ♥ BJ


b. lee said...

I would have never made it without a bambino sling * all 3 girls luv'd & could actually get stuff done * *

Nightly Cafe said...

Happy Tuesday. Hope you have a great week.



Anonymous said...

I've never had the co-sleeper, but it looks fabulous--way better than some of the solutions we've had! I'd add a jogging stroller to the list...just because it makes everyone so happy.


Anonymous said...

PS. I love your new look!


Made By Gen said...

A new follower from Follow Me Back Tuesday. Nice blog.

Donna @ The House on the Corner said...

Thank you so much for participating in the Tuesday Train Hop! I’m following you back!

Have a wonderful week!!

Unknown said...

I am a new follower. Please follow me back at http://my-2-cents.blogspot.com/

Mrs. Bee said...

I am so thrilled that you posted this! I even saved it to my favorites! The hubs and I are trying to get pregnant so I have a bookmark folder full of stuff I want to check out when it actually happens! I have never heard of the cosleeper before and it looks fantastic! You picked out some great products and I can't wait to look into them even more! Love this post!

Happy Tuesday sweetie!

Love and Hugs,

Amy Watson said...

I need to get one of those Tiny Diner things!

Becky @ Rub Some Dirt On It said...

Okay I'm going to follow you now because I swear by 8 of those 10 things and just haven't used those other two before. Seems like we're on the same page!

Rachel said...

My BFF is having a baby any day now! I'm so sending her a link to her post! This is great!
