

New Year's Traditions, Resolutions and Superstitions

Happy New Year's Eve all!  I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday season, and are ready for what the New Year has in store, I know I sure am.

We had a beautiful Christmas.  There is nothing better than seeing your kids eyes on Christmas morning!  Each and every gift is a surprise and excitement, it makes me feel like a kid again.

One of my favorite things about the new year is reading superstitions, celebrating traditions, and saying that I have resolutions, most of which I break before days end.  I'm going to try really hard this year to stick to my resolutions, which I'm going to share, I figure if I write them down, I might have a better chance of following them.

Let's start with superstitions.  Here are a couple of websites I look at every year to refresh my memory of the things I should and shouldn't do, and  Some of the superstitions I have done for years because they were passed down as a tradition, others I have picked up as an adult and added to the traditions.

Kissing at Midnight, well that goes without saying.  I've also heard that whomever you are with at midnight is who you will spend the year with.

Nothing goes out, this is one we read last year, and figured what would it hurt to try?  I'm all about trying new things, and sticking with what works.

New Clothes, I really like this one.  I like saving one thing I received for Christmas and wearing it on New Years Day, it's usually a piece of workout clothes, since I usually start my eating better and getting on the treadmill on New Year's Day.

Food, this one has been passed down for years.  We always eat Pork of some sort, my uncle's cabbage recipe, and black eye peas, I found a new recipe to try this year.    Each helps with luck, money or good fortune, all of which I'll be glad to have.

A couple of traditions that I do myself is clean, I mean really clean.  I make sure I donate anything I don't need anymore, clean every nook and cranny, including cabinets,  scrub everything, and wash all our clothes.  I like the thought that if the house is clean going into the new year, it might have a chance of staying that way, but with three little boys, it's just wishful thinking.

I burn a bayberry candle into the new year, here is a little history into that and there is always money placed outside to bring money into the new year.

This years Resolutions aren't much different than years past, I want to lose weight and make better food choices.  I've been trying to lose weight for a while now, but fell back into old habits over the holidays, and I know it's nobody's fault but my own.  I have actually started today, I figured, why wait until tomorrow to do something good for myself that I can start today?  I've been tracking my calories in My fitnesspal and went and got on the treadmill, granted I didn't jog, but it was better than nothing.  I plan on running at least one 5K this year, but would love to train for a half marathon.  I need to work on getting out of my own mind, I let my mind take over and tell myself that I'm tired and can't do it, when I know I can!  That will be my true test this year, to not listen to my head.

I would love to have the chance to write more.  I miss blogging, and all of you.  I plan on writing at least 3 times a week, that's the goal, if I get a chance to write more, I will, but something is better than what I've been doing.  Somedays it's just really hard with the two little ones, they want no part of me sitting at the computer when I can be playing with them.

My biggest goal this year is to pinch pennies more.  I'm a pretty good couponer and thrifty shopper, but I want to be better.  I want to save more money so that we can enjoy the things we do more.  I'm really bad at not wanting to go anywhere or do anything when we are on vacation, but we need to do more, let the boys try new things and I need not worry about the money, but I do.  I'm really bad at spending money on the boys, and not myself.  If you were to look in my closet I can tell you that I have had clothes in there for years, yes years, some over six.  That's pretty bad!! I would rather buy the boys clothes than myself.

With that being said, I hope that you all have an amazing New Year's!  Be safe, have fun and be ready for what's to come in the New Year!

Love always!! BJ


Best Peppermint Mocha Ever!!!

Holy geez friends, I'm totally in love with Dunkin Donuts Peppermint Mocha coffee.  I received a bag for my birthday the other day from my beautiful sister, and I'm addicted!!  Now don't get me wrong, it's delish brewed fresh by itself, but today, I thought I would give it a little something extra, and BAM, there is no turning back!

Grab a bag of Dunkin's Peppermint Mocha coffee
Your favorite hot chocolate powder mix

Add the powder in your cup and pour your coffee over, mix and enjoy!

Seriously, best cup of Peppermint Mocha you'll ever taste, and you don't have to leave your house, or spend $4.00 a cup {wink}


Moshi Monster Prize Pack Winner!!!

What better way to celebrate my birthday than to spread some holiday cheer and announce the winner of a cool new game and prize pack?!!!
Congratulations to Ashley from Wanna Be Green @AshCuesta for winning the Moshi Monster Prize Pack!!!

I'm sure she is going to have a couple super excited little ones!! 

Hope everyone has a SUPER Day!


Peppermint Sugar Scrub

Does everyone have all of their Christmas shopping done and ready?  For a change, I'm ahead of the game, I'm finished shopping and wrapped!  It is so relieving to be done.  I have to worry about is the baking and cooking.

I thought I would share with you all one of the ideas I used this year for a holiday present.  I've found a lot of people are making sugar scrubs this year, so I thought I would try it out.  I used what I had around the house for the first batch, then went in search of better products and ideas!

The first time I tried I used vegetable oil because one recipe said you could.  That was definitely a fail! It was gross, and didn't mix well with the sugar.  I put the finished product in mason jars that I had and put it by my sink, grant it, it still made my hands softer than before use, but I wasn't really happy with the outcome.

The next batch came out amazing, worthy enough to give away as gifts!

What you'll need
1 cup of Almond Oil (best thing to use!) Health Food Store
1 tbsp of Vitamin E Oil
20 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
2 cups Sugar
1 jar of choice

Mix all ingredients together
For Candy Cane effect separate 1 cup out and add food coloring

If you want the candy cane effect, you need red food coloring, about 20 drops
Put enough scrub in bottom of container to fill bottom
Pat down with back of ice cream scooper, or whatever you have around the house

Seal and add a cute little label.  The back of my label has the directions for use.


Prancer's Punch

Here is a great recipe for a punch this holiday season!

What you'll need
1 quart raspbery sherbert
2 quarts ginger ale
1 quart cranberry juice
1 (32 oz) can pineapple juice

Soften sherbert in punch bowl.  Add ginger ale, cranberry juice, and pineapple juice; mix gently.  Enjoy!

If you're looking to make it a little more adult, add some Captain Morgan's Parrot Bay!  Yummy!


Moshi Monster 3DS prize pack

Happy Tuesday all!  I thought it would be fun to have a giveaway to celebrate my birthday!!!  I love to give as much as receive, and what better way to celebrate my birthday in a few weeks than to give you all something to win!

One Lucky winner will win this!

A Nintendo 3DS Moshi Monsters Moshlings Theme Park Game (not compatible with DS)
A 3 Day Membership to Moshi Monsters
Moshi Monsters Magazine

Cool, right?  It's rated E for everyone, so it's for the little ones to play without worry!
***It does say for Ages 7+ for 3D mode.  3D images by children 6 and under may cause vision damage

Activision is making more and more games for the little ones and everyone to play, and some of the hottest games this holiday season!  Be sure to check out their website for more information.

Contest begins today, and will go through the 17th, the winner will be announced on my birthday, the 18th!!  so get busy, and good luck!!

If you still need a gift or two for Christmas, check out my shop, it's all customizable just for you!

  a Rafflecopter giveaway


Weight loss

How many of you are or have been on a weight loss journey?  I've been trying to lose weight since the baby was born, but I guess you could say I don't try really hard.  What is the line between trying and trying really hard?  Knowing that when you put those Cheetos or donut in your mouth that you could have made a better choice, but by the time you realize it, the damage is done.  I been trying to put all my calories into my fitness pal, but there are days I don't feel like it because I'm just to ashamed to see how many calories I go over.  I've been on the treadmill again 3-4 days a week, but it's even half assed. I walk at 4.0 on a 2 incline, I guess that's better than not at all, but I know that I could be running at a 6.0 for those 30 mins, really getting a burn.  Why do I choose to just do it halfway?  Sometimes I know it's just like a mental block.  I talk myself out of running, not because my body can't do it, but because my head says I can't.  It is so frustrating!  I use to run 4 days a week before my middle guy, and loved it!  I had no problem turning down bad food or drinks.  So what has changed?  Why can't I do it?  I have some really great support from MFP friends, but I still just can't get past the mental block!  I'm also not into taking pills or drinking shakes, or any of that other stuff.  I like doing it the old fashion way, exercise and healthy eating.
I my birthday is in 15 days, I would love to lose 15 pounds by then, but I know that's to many, to fast.
I'm looking for ideas, suggestions, support, anything you can offer.  I'm all ears.   Today, so far, I'm doing well.  I've had my eggs and a banana, I've even started drinking my coffee black again.  I know if there's a will, there's a way, I just need to see my will again.

I hope you all are having an amazing day, and a wonderful weight loss journey!  xoxo BJ


Shop Small Saturday!

What better way to celebrate Shop Small Saturday than to open my own store!  I am so nervous and excited. I hope you'll go by and check it out.  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Just click on the link on the left sidebar and it will take you there!  Happy Shopping!!! xoxo BJ


Thanksgiving Wishes

Wishing all my readers, friends and family a very Happy Thanksgiving.  I am thankful for so many things in my life especially each and everyone of you!

If you still need the perfect Cranberry Salad, check out the post from last year!  You won't regret it!


Caramel Apple Dip + Apples = Delicious Turkey??

1 week until Thanksgiving, and we all begin to get the stuff we need for our Thanksgiving feast.  I found this adorable picture and thought my kids love apples, what cuter way to serve them around Thanksgiving?

Caramel Apple Dip
1 1/4 cup brown sugar
3 tablespoons cornstarch
1 12 ounce can evaporated milk
1/4 cup light corn syrup
2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. In a heavy saucepan, mix the sugar, cornstarch, and about 1/4 cup of the milk together.  Stir until mixed and dissolved.
2. Add the remaining milk and corn syrup.  Cook until bubbly then cook and stir for two more minutes.
3. Remove from the heat and add the butter and extract.   Let cool, add to a bowl, use a candy corn for the nose, a couple chocolate chips for eyes, and add your apples around it.

Gobble, gobble!

pic via


A Family Halloween

Wishing you all a Very Happy Halloween, from our family to yours! 

I hope you all are safe, especially our friends and family on the East Coast, you all are in our thoughts and prayers!  Love, Army Man, Rex, Woody, Buzz and Little Bo Peep! xoxo BJ


Pumpkin Pretzels

Last Friday was D's Class Halloween Party.   I love to make everything cute and memorable!  I decide to try to make pumpkin pretzels.  It was pretty simple, and they turned out really cute!  The kids and teacher, or course, loved them!

All you need is a bag of pretzels
green M&M's (I found a bag of all green ones, mint)
2 bags of orange Wilton's chocolates

After you dip the pretzels in the chocolate, lay them on your wax paper and place the M&M on them while they are still hot, once cool, it will stay in place.
They look more like pumpkins if you add a lot of chocolate to them, not so much if you're easy on the chocolate.


Halloween drinks

For all you homeroom mom's or those of you that just like a cute idea.  Here are the drinks that I made for my little guy for his Halloween party tomorrow.

All you need is Juice boxes, the actual box kind
google eyes
white duct tape

Wrap the boxes with the tape, add the eyes, wrap the eyes so they stay in place and viola, you're done.  It takes a while, but they turned out so cute.  My little mummy army.
Be sure to leave the opening on top for the straw.

Pretty simple and so cute, thanks Pinterest for the idea.

Hope you all are having a fabulous week!  
xoxo BJ


Vampire Bite Cocktail

Who's ready for The Vampire Diaries to return tonight?  I AM!!! It has been a long summer without Damon!  So to celebrate Thirsty Thursday and The Vampire Diaries return,  I'd like to share a cocktail that looks and taste delish!

A Vampire's Bite

1 scoop Vanilla Ice Cream
1 oz triple sec
1/2 oz white creme de cacao
Drizzle of Grenadine

1.  Blend all ingredients in blender except grenadine, until smooth
2.  Pour into glass of choice
3. Drizzle grenadine over top
4.  Enjoy!

If you have a recipe you'd like featured on iBlog4me, email it to me at DATSSOCUTE(AT)GMAIL(DOT)COM  or tweet me today and let me know!

Be sure to say hi and hashtag #cheers!  Here's to a great day, and an excellent return of Damon, and The Vampire Diaries!



Birthday Love

My how a year flies.  You really don't realize how fast they go until you have little ones, and they do so many things in a year that it passes without you realizing it.

I have spent the past year getting up every three hours in the middle of the night to feed my precious angel, changed more diapers than I care to count, given 365 baths, wiped countless noses, and tears, rocked my angel until I can hear his beating heart, and kissed more boo boos than I've had in my adult life.  I've also gone through all of my lasts, like watching a new baby smile, roll over,  crawl, sit up and walk.  It is not only extremely rewarding to watch them grow up, but terribly sad.  If you blink it's over, that's probably why you don't get much sleep the first year, who am I kidding, you don't sleep much the first 18.

Anyhow, today is my baby's 1st birthday.  As a woman I've never been happier than during the life of my babies.  They bring me such joy and heartache (good of course)  all at the same time.  I thought I would share with you all some of the pictures that I'm most proud of.

Happy Birthday Little Man, we love you more than words can say!


Simple Halloween Pumpkin Craft

At the beginning of the year I lost all of my photos to my posts.  I wanted to cry!!!  Since I haven't been able to put them ALL back up, I thought I would take a new photo, and link you back to some of the posts so that you have a picture and instructions to the craft.  I hope that if you missed these crafts, that you have a chance to try them out!  Sorry about the pics!

Simple Halloween Pumpkin Craft


Instagram Photo a day October

If you love instagram, and you love the Photo a day challenges, you should join us over at iBlog4me in the fun!

 Be sure to tell your friends!  You can check out my photo today here
Happy Photographing! xoxo BJ


Apple Picking 2012

Again this year we took the boys apple picking, it is truly my favorite thing to do with the boys in the fall.   It was beautiful day and the boys absolutely love it!

 The smile on his little face is priceless!
His first time in the orchard
 my sweet little guys!
 D was little mans size the first time we took him
 Of course you have to eat the apples right from the tree!
 Oh how I love my boys!  
Hope you all are having a great day!  I'll be posting some holiday crafts really soon!  Stay tuned;)


Refrigerator Pickles

When I was pregnant with my first son my amazing neighbor Kim use to make refrigerator pickles.  I would eat so many of hers that she began to make me my own.  Let me tell you now, this stuff is so easy and delicious I can't get enough of them.  What you'll need:

Pickling cucumbers (to your liking)
1 onion
1 cup of white vinegar
1 cup of water
1 cup of sugar
Black Pepper

Mix the vinegar, water and sugar together and heat in the microwave just enough to heat.
Add the onion and Vinegar and Pepper to taste
There needs to be enough of the mixture to cover the cucumbers, that's how I base how many cucumbers I put into the mix.  You could also make more of the mixture, as long as you keep the mixture equal parts.

Hopefully you can still find the cucumbers for a few more weeks.  Stock up if you can and make a few batches, they are worth it, and enjoy!

xoxo BJ


Homemade Christmas Ornaments

Is it ever to early to think about Christmas?  I mean, seriously, Hobby Lobby already has rows and rows of decorations for Christmas out.  I love Christmas, it's my favorite holiday of the year!

Every year on vacation we buy the boys and ourselves a new ornament.  I figure that when they get older they will have a great start with their ornaments for their own tree.  This year, I didn't even walk into Christmas store, like I've said, I just haven't been myself the past few months.  Hence the lack of posts.  I'm hoping to get out of my funk, and become the old me.

Anyway, since I didn't buy an ornament this year, I figured I better make one, if not I'd kick myself come Christmas.  I had thought about this while on vacation, so I did pick up a few things that I would need.

I grabbed an empty ornament that can be opened from Hobby Lobby, and some shells and sand while at the beach, I printed a couple of my favorite photos from the beach, and voila an ornament that we all love!

xoxo BJ


Thank You Friend

ever since i met you, you've been a shining star. you make me laugh, you call to chat, you lift me daily, but most of all, you call me sister and that means the world to me! i love you like i love the air i breathe and i just wanted everyone to know how special you are to me!

hi's vic from honey hazel. when i met bj, she was as energetic as a kid on steroids, which made me love her more and more. she and i have never met in person but we chat like we have, we connect like true friends do and she really makes some of my worst days into the best days! she's funny and bold and brilliantly beautiful. She doesn't talk about herself enough on here and I wanted you all to know how wonderful she really is. She's a power mama, a burst of fresh air and she's my friend.

i've said a million times before that i would rather have few real friends than a hundred fake ones. she and i can disagree, talk about it and be good.....we can go without chatting for weeks and catch up this very day where we left off. life is busy. we're moms, wives, crazy, hormonal queens but at the very most...we're friends who understand and who love each other for being wild, free and just being who we are! i love you're amazing! i'm so glad to have met you through blogging!


Drunkin Jack's- Murrell's Inlet, South Carolina

If you ever travel to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, Drunkin Jack's in Murrell's Inlet is a MUST!!  When we go to Myrtle we don't eat out except for once or twice, and the one restaurant worth going to year after year is Drunkin Jack's.  This restaurant is so good, that the wait is crazy!  We decided to go at 4:30, only 30 mins after they had opened, and we had an hour and fifteen minute wait.  I was shocked that there was that long of a wait after only thirty mins, but the food is so worth it.  Usually we go at lunch time because the crowds aren't as bad, I'm guessing because everyone is still lounging on the beach, but I enjoyed going for dinner this year.

I enjoyed the Mahi mahi, it was the best fish I've ever eaten in my life!  (and I'm not a big fish fan. It was even good the next day reheated for lunch).   Steve had the fried shrimp, which was amazing also, and of course they keep you stocked with their amazing hushpuppies with honey butter.  Ahhh, my mouth is watering just thinking about it!    We went initially  because Steve was craving the Conch, but they took it off the menu this year. (bummer)  Over the years we have tried several things off of the menu, and they never disappoint!  The food is rich in flavor and the prices are reasonable.

Drunkin Jack's sits right on the Inlet waterway.  The boys loved sitting by the window and watching the various boats, jet skiers and banana boat rides go across the waterway.  You know being so close to the water that all of their seafood is fresh, and delicious!

If you are ever down that way, don't miss the chance to have their amazing food, you won't regret it!


First day of 1st grade

For all you moms out there that have kids heading out to school, I don't know if you're like me, but today I'm doing my "mommy happy dance" as my mother in law calls it.  Do you know what I'm talking about?  The dance we do when our kids go to for the first day after summer break, or when they've done something amazing that makes us super proud.  Don't get me wrong, it's been an amazing summer!  We have done a lot of fun things that I'm going to tell you all about soon, but I was so ready for school to start today!

My Oldest is a 1st grader this year!! It is so hard to believe how fast they grow up.  Summer amazingly flew by!  How is it that it takes so long to get here, but seems like it flies by?  It's not fair, I'm not ready for summer to be over.

Do you all have fun things you do for your little ones or their teacher for the 1st day of school?  I shared a few things last year, but being that we just got back from vacation on Saturday, I didn't do anything fun or exciting this year. I know, shame on me, but I'm sure he'll be fine, and I'll work on a few things the rest of the week, and share them with you.  Here is a sweet wreath for your house, or makes a great teacher gift!

I would love for you to leave me a link in the comments with the fun things you do the first week of school.   Hope you all have an amazing week, and enjoy your little ones, while they are little!


Almond allergy

So friends, if it's not one thing, it's another.  I'd really like to just catch up to life.  I know Peanut allergies are one of the leading allergies in the country.  I have never in my life been allergic to anything, well, until now.

Let's rewind to Friday, July 13th, my grocery shopping days.  I decided that I was going to start eating cleaner, more fruits, veggies, nuts, lean means, etc.  While shopping I picked up a bag of Raw Almonds, no big deal, I've eaten cocoa almonds like they were going out of style, so I didn't think anything of it.  I got home, and popped a handful in my mouth, they weren't great, but they were plain.  Later Friday afternoon, my stomach had the worst pain, I wasn't sure what it was, but passed it off that I would be fine.  I took 4 tums, and went about my evening, they didn't touch it, my stomach hurt for about 6 hours.

Saturday I went about my day, no stomach pain, good thing!  Sunday afternoon I was hungry and eating clean leaves snacks to, nuts, fruits or veggies, so I had a handful of my almonds.  Later in the afternoon I had stomach pain something fierce!  No position, or anything  I did made it go away.  Like Friday it lasted for at least 6 hours.

Monday morning I called the doctors office, I knew something was wrong, but still hadn't put it together.  I went in Tuesday morning, he said it felt like a blockage in my stomach, he wanted me to get a CT to see what it was.  Wednesday morning they called and said it was clear, there was nothing there.   My poor boys, I don't know how I got through getting their dinner on the table.  I sat against the wall balled up and cried it hurt so bad. Wednesday evening I took myself to the Emergency room with the worst pain I've ever felt, mind you I've had three kids!  I would have rather given birth without an epidural than deal with the stomach pain!   They hooked me up to an IV, gave me pain meds and took blood to figure out what was going on, and like the CT, everything was clear, at least the pain meds took away the horrible pain!  I asked about possibly being allergic to Almonds.  The doctor said, "no, if it were an allergic reaction, it would be more skin or breathing related."  I left still unsure of what was wrong.

Calling the Doctor Thursday morning, he was sure it was my gallbladder so he scheduled me a HIDA scan for Friday morning.  I did a lot of research Thursday, the first thing I looked at was that scan.  The HIDA scan injects Nuclear meds into your system.  That threw a red flag for me.  I'm still nursing, I can't have Nucs in my system.  I called the Pediatricians office and they said that I wouldn't be able to feed the baby for 5 days after the test.  Oh, hell no!!!  I would figure out the pain on my own, they weren't putting that poison in my system!  I wasn't going to not be able to feed my sweet boy, and he hates the stored stuff!

I spent the day researching.  Gallbladder was definitely possible.  I would avoid all trigger foods, find home remedies in case I got an attack, and take even better care of myself.  Come on, I eat right, walk/run 4 days a week, there is no way something like a Gallbladder is going to get me down.  I continued researching, talked with Steve about what I ate, and looked into raw almond allergies.  After the trip to the ER, I haven't eaten 1 raw almond, and my stomach is completely fine!  Here is what I found on Raw Almonds:

Raw Almonds

The skin of raw almonds contains enzyme inhibitors which make them difficult to digest, and this can be another source of stomach pain. However, raw almonds have more nutrition than roasted almonds, so many people prefer eating them in their natural state. Soaking the almonds first removes the enzymes. Put 4 cups of almonds and 2 tsp. of salt in enough water to cover, and let them soak for several hours. Drain and allow them to dry for a day.

Read more:

There should be a warning on Raw Almonds,
May cause Serious Stomach Pain!!! 
and you may not be allergic to anything else, but you can be allergic to Raw Almonds!

Hope you all are having a great week!  xoxo


How to Have a Relaxing Day

sometimes a simple stop to your favorite diner, cafe or coffee shop does a body good!


3 simple drinks using Whiskey, Tequila and Rum

Good Thursday morning pretty people.  I know I've been bad about posting, and I'm sorry about that, but I'll make it up to you today with 3 yummy recipes for your summer spirits!

When I drink, I don't really like using tons of ingredients, I like to keep it simple.  So here are 3 of our favorite drinks, for the 3 liquors we have in the house.

Whiskey-Evan Williams Honey Reserve
11/2 oz Honey Reserve
Fill with Lemonade over ice

Tequila- Margaritaville Tequila
1 1/2 oz Margaritaville Brand Tequila
Fill with Margaritaville Brand Margaritaville Mix over ice, or blend
add a splash of grenadine
(you must use Margararitaville Brand, or trust me, it's not as good)

Rum- Parrot Bay Coconut Rum
1 1/2 oz Parrot Bay
Fill with Pineapple Juice over ice

Stir all ingredients and Enjoy!!! These are our favorite drinks for summer, and I know if you like those 3 liquors, you'll love these cocktails!

Leave us a comment with your favorite drinks!

Join me today in some twitter conversation and hash tag #ib4mtwitterhop



Happy 4th of July and thank you

I hope everyone had a safe and fun 4th of July.  I wanted to say thank you to all the soldiers over seas right now fighting for us.  
Instead of lounging by a pool or lake drinking beer and grilling out some good ol' American burgers and dogs, they are sweating their asses off in the desert, thinking about it.  
I hope they are all safe and are in good spirits.  Hopefully this war will be over soon and we can all embrace the ones we love!  
Thank you all, and we love and miss you!  Special love goes out to the solider and his crew in this picture.  He is a friend of mine and we are ready for you to be home!  Stay safe, we look forward to your safe return!! xoxo


Red White and Blue treats

I found these adorable recipes, and thought they were just too cute not to share.

Red Layer

cup sliced strawberries
tablespoons lemonade, chilled
teaspoon sugar
White Layer
container (6 oz) Yoplait® Original 99% Fat Free French vanilla yogurt
tablespoons lemonade, chilled
Blueberry Layer
cup blueberries
cup lemonade, chilled
teaspoon sugar
  • 1In blender, place red layer ingredients. Cover; blend until smooth. Spoon 2 tablespoons mixture into each of 6 (5-oz) paper cups. Cover cups with foil; insert craft stick into center of each pop. (Or fill ice pop molds according to manufacturer’s directions.) Freeze about 2 hours or until frozen.
  • 2When first layer is frozen, remove foil from pops. In small bowl, mix white layer ingredients until smooth. Spoon about 2 tablespoons mixture in each cup over frozen layer. Return foil to pops to support sticks. Freeze about 2 hours or until frozen.
  • 3Meanwhile, in blender, place blueberry layer ingredients. Cover; blend until smooth. When white layer is frozen, remove foil from pops. Spoon about 2 tablespoons blueberry layer mixture in each cup over white layer. Return foil to pops to support sticks. Freeze at least 6 hours until frozen.  via


Red Cake Layers
box Betty Crocker® SuperMoist® white cake mix
pint (2 cups) strawberries, stems removed, pureed in blender or food processor to about 1 1/4 cups
cup vegetable oil
egg whites
teaspoon Betty Crocker® red gel paste food color
Blue Cake Layer
box Betty Crocker® SuperMoist® white cake mix (about 1 2/3 cups dry mix)
cup blueberries, pureed in blender or food processor
tablespoons vegetable oil
whole eggs
teaspoon Betty Crocker® blue gel paste food color
White Cake Layer
box Betty Crocker® SuperMoist® white cake mix (about 1 2/3 cups dry mix)
cup water
tablespoons vegetable oil
egg whites
Frosting and Sprinkles
containers Betty Crocker® Whipped fluffy white frosting
Betty Crocker® red, white and blue sprinkles, as desired via
If you have a recipe that you would like to share and have featured, email it to me at DATSSOCUTE(AT)GMAIL(DOT)COM, and we'll feature it over at



Trying to lose weight is the pits!!! Just saying!   I think the more you really want the pounds to disappear, the harder it is for them to go.  The closer you get to your goal, it seems nearly impossible!

I've learned my biggest weakness is having any sweets or junk in the house!  I want to lose the weight, but there are days that I want the junk more.  I would rather not put it in the house at all, but my husband insists that he can't live without it.  Which is pure torture for me.  The problem being is, when I run out of the healthy food (which costs more than the crap food) I resort to eating the crap food in the house.

When I go shopping I think I have enough food to last until the next shopping trip, and somehow, it disappears days before I head back.  I wish that healthy food cost less and lasted longer.  I haven't gained any weight, but I haven't been losing it either.  I have a little over a month before the beach and have quite a few pounds to hit my goal.

Do you have any tips, tricks or words to live by when it comes to weight loss?  I need something!!  Hope you are all doing well!  xoxo


Red White and Blue Parfaits

Are you ready for the 4th of July?  Do you have your recipes ready?   Will you be celebrating this weekend or next?  Here is a yummy quick recipe I found that would be perfect and delicious to enjoy!

  • 1
    ounce carton vanilla low-fat yogurt
  • 1/4
    teaspoon almond extract or 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/2
    ounce container frozen light whipped dessert topping, thawed
  • 3
    cups fresh raspberries and/or cut-up fresh strawberries
  • 3
    cups fresh blueberries
1.In a large bowl, stir together yogurt and almond extract or vanilla. Fold in whipped topping.
2.To serve, in six 12-ounce glasses or dessert dishes, alternate layers of the berries with layers of the yogurt mixture. Makes 6 servings.

  • Make Ahead Tip Prepare parfaits as directed through Step 2. Cover and chill for up to 1 hour.  via

The great part about these is you can substitute your red and blue foods!  Use JELLO in red and blue cubes, or cut them into stars! Use your imagination and enjoy!  

Whatever you choose, have a safe and fun 4th of July!