Sorry all, my post are few and far between. I don't know what's gotten into me, I'm in a funk of sorts. I feel like I'm being swallowed by a black hole, and don't want to drag everyone down with me. My head feels full, know the feeling? Though writing does help, I really need to do it more.
I've been spending a lot of time just being with my boys, and very little sitting in front of the computer. We've been camping

and this past weekend we went to my cousins wedding. I love my family, you all know that, but it is such a hassle to pack myself and all three boys to go in. Once everything is done at my house we have the car ride, which even with movies and stuff to play with and a nap, isn't all that fun! I love being home and visiting with family and having the opportunity to go do things without the boys, but it's still more work being there, than it is just being at my own house. I have to constantly keep an eye on the boys, nobodies house is kid proof, and I know what they are capable of. If you take your eye off of the middle one for even just a second, I'll guarantee he's doing something rotten! I'm not even going to go into detail what he did at my Mother-in-laws over Easter and my Aunt's this past weekend. Having boys is exhausting! I wouldn't trade them for the world, but I'm tired!
I don't think the family realizes that the road goes two ways, it's the same distance from my house to theirs as it is, theirs to mine. It is so much easier for them to pack one bag for themselves, then it is for me to pack all our clothes and stuff for the boys. Mind you, they don't have any of the "stuff" that is needed for the little one, so we have to bring that all in too.
For those of you that live close to family, thank your blessings that you have them there to help you when you need them, and the ability to go visit for a few hours and then go back to your own house. It's kind of miserable being away from your family and only seeing them every few months.
I've been trying to run again, not only to lose the baby weight, but also to get ready for the Susan G. Komen, Race for the Cure, here in Columbus on the 19th. I'm finally doing my first race, supporting a great cause and one of my best friends Wendy. I figured what better race to start with than one I can show my love and support for Wendy against this terrible illness. I talk to her often and can't imagine what her or anyone going through chemo is dealing with. It is truly amazing the fight they give while going through it. She is my hero, and all of those that decide to fight and not let Cancer beat them, are too!
I'm definitely not in the shape I was, but I'm slowly but surely getting there. Running also helps to get my head back in a good place. I can just go out and run, not think about anything except bettering my times, and body. I push the two little ones, the baby sleeps, and the middle one talks away, that child never stops talking, and he is soooooo funny, you never know what's going to come out of his mouth. Just listening to him puts a smile on my face and helps to be happy!

I really need to get back to blogging regularly, I really miss you all, and love sharing. I'm hoping in the next few weeks you'll see more and more. I have a teacher appreciation idea I'm hoping to share tomorrow, and some ideas for a cool birthday party. My oldest is going to be six, I can hardly believe it, so I have a lot to do and get ready for his "surprise" party! I do post a lot on instagram, and would love to get my gallery up. Check out my pics from our hiking adventure on instagram and some daily pictures, I love my iPhone, and instagram!
Love and Miss you all! BJ