
PR friendly

Thank you for your interest in DAT's so Cute. Contact me directly at DATSSOCUTE(at)GMAIL(dot)COM

As parents we are continuously on the lookout for products and services that are going to help us through our everyday lives and that will ultimately benefit our kids.  Parents whether it be a mom or dad,  are a powerful consumer group in the US whose buying power is unmatchable. We do our research, compare notes and are not afraid to speak out and share our ideas and opinions, and I'm very good at all of these things.  I let my opinion be known through Facebook and Twitter.

If you're interested in getting your site or product noticed more, we would love to partner with you.   Product Reviews & Giveaways are a fantastic way to bring attention to your products and/or company.  We enjoy reviewing products, how they benefit our family, and whether it’s worth buying or not. Our largest pageviews consists of reviews on products and  homemade crafts.

DAT's so Cute Available Reviewers
Adult female
Adult male
14 year old male
10 year old male 
8 year old male

Partnering with DAT's so Cute 

We enjoy reviewing new products and offering giveaways to our followers.  Product Reviews and Giveaways are an especially effective way to generate traffic to your website. Especially through our post,  twitter shout outs and facebook love.

For reviews, we ask that a sample product be sent.  Our reviews are 100% honest - We will not say we like a product if we do not like it!  We will simply not write the review.

We will contact you if we do not feel we can write a positive review.

All reviews will include a direct link to the company's main website, and any other link you would like to be added. 
We will also include personal digital pictures or videos of the product being used by our boys, or ourselves.

Reviews and Giveaways
This defiinitely gets you the most exposure! Additional entries are given for linking to your company's website, Facebook or Twitter pages (if applicable) which provides you with maximum exposure.

Giveaways will run for 1-2 weeks unless otherwise stated. We will promote giveaways on our blog, Facebook and Twitter as well as by utilizing other social blogs to encourage a large amount of traffic daily. 

It is the company’s responsibility to have the product mailed directly to the winner. We will provide the contact details.

If you would like myself or my family to attend your event in the local Charlotte area or nearby areas please provide the tickets or expense.  If you would like for me to attend an event in another state or a location farther out in North or South Carolina, travel costs will have to be paid for in advance or reimbursed.  Receipts will be retained for your review.
Following the event I will share the experience with my readers through a blog post and pictures, showcasing your event, product, service, and/or website.