

Fit tip Friday, snacks, snacks, snacks.

My suggestion this week, if you don't already do it.  Throw a few healthy snacks in your bag, your car, your diaper bag, heck your coat pocket.  It's always a lot safer to have a protein bar in your bag while your out shopping than to stop and head over to McDonalds to grab a quick bite.  That protein bar has more nutritional value in it than an entire meal from a fast food joint!  Also be sure to carry your water with you!

I hope you all are having a great holiday season!  Stay healthy and eat less crap!


It's not about the scale

It has taken me a long time to realize that the scale isn't the main component to my happiness.  My friends Kandy, Vanessa, and Ashley, have been great support and motivation for me.  They are the ones that have told me over and over not to worry about what the scale says.  Measure yourself for a true reading.  Honestly it has taken many, many months for me to accept the scale tells lies.  I have always been obsessed with what the scale said.  Most of my life, it said you're fat, lose weight!  I now only get on it to see if the way I eat changes the number.  I am more obsessed with if I fit in my jeans, and if when I look in the mirror, I'm happy with what I see.  There are days I look in the mirror and say, yesterday was a bad day, it's ok, but get let's have a better day.  Some days it works and others it doesn't.

We all need to remember that muscle weighs more than fat.  If we have been lifting and we are getting toned, the number on the scale probably is going to go up, but that's ok, we are defining the fat that is there.  We are making the choice to tone up and not just let it wiggle anymore.

Don't get discouraged, I know it's hard, but you need to remember...
1. Don't worry about that scale and
2. Have a couple really great support friends that get what you're going through.

I may not have a lot to lose, but I have goals that my friends understand.  They help me get back and stay on track when I have those days.  They motivate me by seeing what and how they are doing, and I really don't know what I would do without them, (well truthfully, I probably would have quit a couple dozen times)  They are amazing and granted I have never met them, I consider them close friends!  To my #superwomanfitfam ladies, I love you!

If you would like a support friend, I'm here!  @Datssocute on twitter or email me at


Motivation Monday

It might be a little late in the day, but it's never to late to go get that workout, run, walk, whatever in!! Don't wait until January 1 when you can start today!!


Motivation Monday

With Thanksgiving only 3 days away, I think we could all use a little motivation. On a day that we want to eat, eat, eat, remember....


Fit tip Friday- Thanksgiving

I think we all worry about over eating around the holidays.  We love everything we make, and want it all!  Personally I say, eat it all!  Don't deprive yourself of the stuff you want because you will gain weight from it.  When I deprive myself is when I do the most damage.  Have a little bit of everything that you love, even the pie, but don't go back for seconds or have a huge plateful.  Use a smaller plate, and eat a little of everything so you feel like you haven't been deprived of that roll or delicious mashed potatoes, or whatever it may be.

Later in the day, instead of falling asleep from that piece of Turkey you had, go for a walk.  It doesn't have to be a three mile run, but don't just lay around because you're beat.  You'll burn way more calories taking a nice walk around the block than laying on the couch being miserable watching football all day, hehe.

We can do this, you and I!  Keep a positive attitude and don't cave in to want.  Remember want and need are two different things.  Just because our brains want it, our bodies don't necessarily need it.  Make yourself proud!

xoxo BJ
yeah, so, I may be one of those people! hahahaha


Thirsty Thursday - Apple Cider Sangria

With Thanksgiving a week away, I came across this yumalicious recipe that I just have to share!

Apple Cider Sangria

  • 1 bottle or 750 ml of Moscato wine (semi-sweet white wine)
  • 1 cup light rum
  • 1 ½ cups apple cider
  • 1 cup ginger ale
  • apple slices for serving
  • ice


  1. In a large pitcher, combine all ingredients and stir well.
  2. Serve sangria over ice with thinly sliced or chopped apples.

gotta love PBS!! Recipe via


Motivation Monday

I have felt like saying screw it a lot lately!  I get on the scale and want to throw it out in the street.  I know not to be obsessed with what the scale says, but I hate it. It's my own  fault for that matter.  I know what to eat, what not to eat, and what to do.  I get to into eating one bad thing and think, might as well just eat like crap the rest of the day instead of saying to myself, you are stronger than this, you can do it. What is worse, I know how I feel when I don't do what I should.  I get mean, feel like crap, and hate myself.  

I can't do much this week but walk and watch what I eat, so I might as well do those things to the best of my ability.  I will not let a few bad days and the scale determine this week!  

It's not easy, especially day after day, month after month, but even some results are better than none!! 
We can do this, and it is worth it!

I hope you all have a fantastic Monday!  10 more days until Thanksgiving!  


Thankful Turkey Craft

This year I decided to make a timeless keepsake for my mom and mother-in-law to remember their sweet grand babies every Thanksgiving.  I don't know about you all, but I love crafts made out of the boys hand prints, they are my favorite to make and pull out every year!

We all love rolls at Thanksgiving!  I thought, what better way to keep the rolls warm than to make a cover for them.  Anytime we go to my mother in laws, she uses a clean dish towel to keep the rolls in on the table, which gave me this idea!

I purchased some muslin and on one side stitched Thankful, and made Turkeys on the other side with the boys hands.  When you wrap up the rolls, you can put Thankful to be seen, or the turkeys.  Either way, it should last for many more Thanksgivings to come!

Hope you enjoy!


Motivation Monday

They say beauty is only skin deep.  For all my fit family out there, we know that we workout, lose weight and feel good for ourselves.  Once we have accomplished these goals, even if they are part of a whole, we feel amazing.  I may not have lost all the weight I want yet, but I fit in a smaller jean size than I have in years!  So when I do put the jeans on, I feel great!  I look in the mirror and see the lines developing in my abs, (when I have good food days)  and feel amazing.  Everyone around me might be able to see them through my clothes, but I know they are there and that's what matters!  When we feel good about ourselves, we exude that wether we want to or not.  So when you run, walk, lift or use a video today, think to yourself, am I giving it my all?  If not, convince yourself you can and get busy!  Work a little harder and it will show!


Fit Tip Friday

Today's tip is as simple as can be!   Kill two birds with one stone by parking farther away from the store, and walk the extra steps, not only will you burn more calories, but with all the crazy Christmas shoppers that are starting to creep out of the woodwork, it will save your vehicle doors too;)

Make time for yourself, don't make excuses that you want changes to your body, but don't do anything about it.  I love one of my besties to death!  She is constantly telling me she wants to workout with me, but tells me that I need to find time for her to do it.  I simply said, "if you want it badly enough, you'll make the time."  Needless to say she didn't respond to that one.

If you do nothing else for yourself today, go for a walk.  20 mins is better than 0.  Have a great weekend and enjoy the fall beauty!


Monday Motivation

Since I missed Fit tip Friday, and had a horrible food weekend (thank you Halloween and no willpower) I thought I'd give myself and anyone else that had a bad one a little motivation.

I have no desire to gain my weight back.  I don't want to lose the muscle I've been working hard for, and I don't want to spend the winter wishing I wouldn't eat the crap that put me in that bad place to begin with.  We all have bad days!  We all wish we didn't put that candy in our mouth that looked good to begin with, but we all do it, at least those of us that haven't realized we are way stronger than we think we are.  There are days I convince myself I have no willpower, that I am mentally weak, but that is just me making lazy ass excuses!  I am strong, and I can do whatever I convince myself to do.  I need to realize that a little more often.  I have big dreams for myself, and if I continue to believe I can't do it, it won't matter how many others believe I can.

So to myself and all my fit family.  We are strong, and we can do it.  Throw out that candy that tempts you, you didn't pay for it!  Have a great Monday, get sweating and remember....


Family Halloween Costumes

Coming up with our halloween costumes each year is part of the fun!  I love even more when we can have a theme and all go with it!  As long as my boys want us to dress up, I plan on doing it!  They are only little once, and one day they will not want us anywhere around, so until that day comes, I'm going to enjoy every second of it!!! This years was so much fun and I love my superhero's!


Halloween Fruit

I thought I would share the fruit I put together for middle man's halloween party.  I searched for Halloween fruit and all I saw were the oranges that looked like pumpkins or the bananas that looked like ghosts.  So here is my best version "halloween fruit"

I hope everyone is having a safe, and Happy Halloween!!
Come back to see this years Family halloween costumes!


Classroom Party Must haves! Halloween

I thought I would share all the cute treats I will be using this year for my son's Halloween Party.  I love being headroom mom!  It is so much fun to find the goodies the kiddos get to enjoy, and then see their faces with excitement with the cool food they get to devour.  Thanks to Pinterest and all of the lovely blogs/websites that hold these adorable treats!!

This yummy treat will be part of their treat bag to take home, with some pretzels added

You have to have cupcakes!!

Bottles of water always taste better with cute labels!

Popcorn, need I say more?

How cute are these Rice Krispie treats??

We will be having applesauce for a fruit, because I know this is a lot of sugar, but it's halloween, I allow it once a year.  

I'll be sharing my adorable applesauce treat Thursday, so be sure to stop by to see!  

If you have any great party pins, please be sure to share them for all the other homeroom mommies out there!  We'd love to see them.

Click on pics for link to recipes.


Fitness Friday- Tip of the week

Every Friday I'm going to share some of my tips for weight loss.  What I do, or at least try to do to help me achieve my goals. 

This weeks tip:

Get it out of the house, or just don't buy it!!!!  We all have weakness and triggers. I can tell you, if I have double stuffed Oreos in my house, I will eat them until they are gone.  No, I do not have the willpower to walk away or just eat one to satisfy my sweet tooth.  I have to eat them until they are gone.  Yes, I feel like total crap when I am finished, and even while I am eating them, but it does not stop me. It might take me two days to finish the package, and have help from my boys, but I eat the majority of them.  So I have learned, and threatened my father to not bring them in the house!!! Regular Oreos don't phase me, they could be in the cabinet for weeks, but double stuffed don't stand a chance.  Anything I know that I can't refuse, I simply don't buy it.  If I can live without it, my boys can too.  I'm not trying to punish them, but the foods we live without are the ones that we don't need to be eating in the first place.  

I have gone without McDonald's for a long time, before summer I tried a burger and fries, and was sick the rest of the evening.  I now don't even attempt fast food, it makes me feel crappy, and it's frankly not good for me, so it's gone.  Replace chips and dip with veggies and dip.  If I have Lay's in the house, I choose the chips over the carrots I keep in the fridge.  I am the creator of my own happiness!  I chose what comes in this house, I make the menu and I decide at the store what I'm going to buy.  So it is my fault alone when I make the poor eating and shopping choices.  If I want to eat healthy, feel and look good, I alone make that happen!  

 Of course there are days that I don't want to drive though a fast food joint so I don't have to make a meal, or just because it's easy, but then I remember how I feel afterward, and it's simply not worth it to me anymore. You can all do it, make the choice that you are going to be happy with tomorrow, not at the moment you hungry for the wrong choice of food.

 I found this saying, and think of it often.  

hehe, Have a fabulous weekend, be safe and I'll see you Monday!! xoxo BJ


Salted Caramel goodness!

Good Monday Morning lovely friends!!! I am so sorry it's been so long. I thought what better way to start off our Monday morning than to share a recipe!

On my weight loss/getting fit journey I have been drinking my coffee black.  I have gotten use to it, and it doesn't bother me a bit anymore.  Sometimes it's nice to switch things up a bit and try new things.  I won't be drinking my coffee everyday like this, but it sure is nice to try something new!

 If you don't already know, I love just about anything salted caramel! While spending a couple minutes on Pinterest the other day I found this yummy recipe.  I tried it out yesterday, and it was pretty yummy!

This morning, it didn't seem to taste the same, so I made a couple of adjustments.  I eliminated the milk altogether, and cut the salt in half.  Personally I like it better, it has more of the sweet taste to it, and not quite so much sodium;)

Regardless which you choose, try them both and make it the way that tastes good to you.  Have a blissful day!  xoxo BJ


Long time no see

I know I've been MIA for a while, at least here on the blog, and I have missed each and every one of you, but I'll be back! I've been spending a lot more time on myself and with my babies. I have a lot to share and talk about when I come back, which I'm going to shoot for next week. We are going to spend the weekend as a family in the great outdoors making memories with our boys, there will be pics to come! I want to start sharing more about my fitness goals, plans and what's been going on. More yummy healthy recipes, crafts and camping tips, tricks and reviews about our favorite camping spots. Hope you'll come check it out! Until then, Have an amazing weekend!!! ♥ BJ


Monday's Motivation

After having a terrible eating weekend.  I'm using something material for this week's motivation.

Clothes!!!  I hate clothes, well, I should say, I hate shopping for clothes for myself.  I'm not a fashionista, or even own anything fancy.  I've always been a jeans and tee kinda gal.  Hell, who I am I kidding, more like a sweats and tee gal.  Why do I need to get dressed up when most days I don't leave my house, and there is usually snot or something on me.  Gross, right?!

Anyway, this weekend my little sister cleaned out her wardrobe a bit, and let me have first dibs on the amazing clothes she has.  She has always dressed amazing, heels, make up, hair did, adorable clothes, she's like a model!  So with the opportunity of having some of her clothes, I jumped at the chance.  Granted, I can't fit in them YET, I still took out a few.  I am most excited about the jeans from Bebe.  I've never owned anything from there, and have only been in there with her.  Anywho, I'm going to put the jeans where I can see them, and when I have the urge to eat an M&M, or any crab that I know is going to hinder me from fitting in those jeans, I'm going to walk away!  I really, really want to fit in them, and you know, as well as I do, if we put our whole head and heart into something, we really can do it!

I hope you are ready to face this week.  Make good choice and find something to motivate you, find your strength!


Caramel Coffee

How many of you LOVE Dunkin Donuts Iced Latte?  I do!  It's my favorite!!  I don't make it to Dunkin very often because it's not close, luckily, but I crave their iced lattes.

While playing around I came up with a delicious iced coffee with 102 calories, saving you 18 calories if you get the 16 oz with skim.

All you need is:
Caramel (the kind you put on your ice cream)
Condensed Sweetened Milk
Your favorite 0 calorie coffee (which is most)

For the 102 cal version
1 tbs of Caramel
1 tbs Condensed Sweetened Milk
coffee to top

I let mine cool for a little bit before putting it over the ice, but you could do it either way.  
No sugar or sweeteners needed, it is already sweet with the combination of the two ingredients!  Of course if you want to have more caramel flavor, add more.

Enjoy! Hope you are having a fabulous week!


ProgressOH! Soup

For all you lovelies that are trying to lose weight, or maintain it, here's a 200 calorie lunch or dinner that is OH SO Tasty!!!

Have you tried the Progresso Light Soups?  There is an amazing variety, and I couldn't even tell the difference in taste between the regular and light.  I'm a stickler on taste, and honestly, these are AW-MAZING!

I eat salads most days of the week, but when it's cold outside, and have I no desire to eat another salad, I pull out a can of Progresso Light.  If you all don't know, I try to be a thrifty shopper, I watch sale ads, and use coupons as much as I possibly can.  I always watch for Progresso sales, because truthfully, it's my favorite soup in a can.  I can usually get 10 cans for $8, sometimes less,  depending on how many coupons I can get ahold of.

Be sure to check out the Progresso Website and become a fan on Facebook!  They have recipes, ideas, and so much yummyness!

Making healthy choices in the kitchen is the first step to any weight loss.  Here are a couple pictures of myself so far.  The first one is in October, and the second is from 2 weeks ago, (2 weeks after I started eating better.)  You can see the difference in my face.  I'm still working on my body, but I will say I've lost 10 pounds in January.

One lucky reader could win this cool prize pack.  I received one, and loved it!  Leave me a comment to let me know your favorite Progresso Light soup, and what you're doing to help lose weight in the new year!  I will randomly select one of you to receive the same thing I did!  US residents only, sorry my Canadian and overseas friends! :(

"Disclosure: The information, products and ProgressOh! gift packs were provided by Progresso through MyBlogSpark.


Monday Motivation

Good Monday Morning friends!!!  I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!  I stayed home and played all weekend long, it was nice to just relax, well other than daily chores.

My question to you today is, what is motivating you this week?  Have you set a weekly goal?  I stepped on the scale today, and decided to work a little harder to lose the pound I gained from cheating this weekend.  I know better than to eat out of my ordinary box, but I get an urge and I can't refrain.  If I get it in my head I want fried rice, I have to eat it, which wouldn't be a problem if that was the only bad thing I ate all weekend, but of course I can't live without my pizza too.  I have to get it in my head that I can only cheat at one meal for the entire weekend, not every meal because it's the weekend.

I am so close to my goal, yet so far away.  I have a number in my head of what I want to weigh, but I also have a picture of what I want to look like.  With that in mind, does it matter what the scale says or being happy with how I look?

I so wish that on December 31st I would have had hubby take a picture of me and measure me, so that I could have seen how good/bad I've done this month.  I know weight is coming off, I just don't know where from.  I still have time to take the pictures and measure and see how much I progress in the next month, but I won't have something to look back at from this past month.

Here's a little picture I found to keep in mind.  I'm beginning to notice, are you?  Make today's workout count!  Get off your booty, and do something, ANYTHING!  Work a little harder and it will pay off!  YOU've got this!  Happy Monday All!! xoxo BJ


Java Mocha Oatmeal

Good Tasty Tuesday Morning my friends!  For all you folks out there trying to lose weight, love chocolate and coffee, I've got the recipe for you!!!  I found this recipe on and adapted it just a bit!

What you'll need:
1/2 cup Oatmeal (not instant)
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup brewed coffee
1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder  (very chocolaty, less if you don't want really chocolaty)
1 tsp sweetener
raspberries or fruit of choice

Boil water and coffee, add oatmeal and cook 4-5 mins
Let sit for 1-2 mins
Add Cocoa powder and sweetener
Top with favorite fruit and enjoy!

Only 207 calories with 1/2 raspberries!


Oldie but goodie, Valentine's Craft!!

For all of you out there that are starting to get your Valentines gifts, party ideas and recipes ready, I thought I'd share a craft I did 2 years ago that's super simple and teachers love it!!    If you'd like to see step by step check out my tutorial here!

Hope you have a Fabulous Friday!! xoxo BJ



Good Monday morning all you pretty people!!! I hope that you had an amazing weekend!  We had a wonderful weekend, spending time as a family.

We all have different motivations as to why we do anything.  Different things motivate us for different reasons, and one motivation might not be the same for all aspects of our lives and the things we do.  I have several motivations as to why I do things.  I thought I would make Monday's, "Motivational Monday"   I will share something every week that motivates me, or something I find that might help motivate you.

Of course my biggest motivator in my life are my boys!  They are the reason I'm running and eating better.  I think about all the things that could take me away from them, and I've decided that I'm going to do what I can to prevent that! (Well the things I can prevent) If choosing to eat better and running is going to make me healthier, I can at least attempt that.

Every night I pray that I live a long healthy life so that I'm here to watch them grow up and to grow old with my amazing husband.  I think about the friends I've had that have been taken from this world too early, and it makes me sad.  I don't want that for anyone!  Life is too short not to enjoy every second you have.  I know that having a milkshake once in a while or 2 slices of pizza isn't going to be what kills me, but if I live the lifestyle of making poor food choices, sitting on my butt and doing nothing, what does that teach my boys?  I not only make the choice I do for myself, but for them.  If they see me choose a piece of fruit over a bag of chips, hopefully they'll make the same choice.  If I sit down at lunch and drink a glass of water, they don't think that they have to something else to drink because water is the better choice.

Last night while watching The Biggest Loser, I thought about the kids on the show.  Did they make themselves that way, or did their parents contribute to their overweight.  I don't think we can blame our children for their mistakes.  If a child is given a donut as a reward for something, who's fault is that?  Of course if that's all they know, that's what they are going to choose.  We as parents are not only responsible for ourselves, but the children we bring into this world.  They learn not only what they are taught, but what they see.  Lead by example!  Taking them outside for a walk, play kickball, teach them to play any sport, even if you are not a sports person, that doesn't mean that they don't have to be.  Give them choices and let them make their own decisions.  If they want to stay inside and play the xbox, I don't see a problem with that as long as they are not sitting on their butt doing it.  Pop in Dance Central and let them shake their booty, and yours too.  They don't care if you look like a goofball and you're not good at it, they see their parent having fun with them!  Exercise doesn't have to be a chore, it can be fun, you just have to make it that way.

By no means am I an expert, or saying that anyone is not raising their children right.  Everyone has their own way of doing things, but we can't blame a child for being overweight, or say that, because their parents are, they are going to be, that's straight up BS, sorry, that's just how I feel.  Make the difference you want to see, right?

Anyhow, share in a comment what motivates you, pin it on pinterest and share your link.  We could all use a motivator, what's yours?

Have a fabulous day!  xoxo


Body Image

When I was pregnant with my youngest, I told myself that I wanted my old body back when I was finished breast feeding him.  When that time came, back in October, I didn't do much about it.  I've really thought about that statement.  I want my old body back, the more I think about it, the more I don't want my old body back, I want a new and improved body.  I'm ready to take the steps to be one hot, smokin mama, as my six year old says.

When I was in high school, I was in shape.  I played sports year round, and even in college I stuck with it.  I wasn't bulky or defined really, but I wasn't fat and I actually went to the gym.  After college and since, my weight has gone up and down, I've dieted, and quit, and repeat.  You all know how it is I'm sure.  After my oldest, I started running to get back down to my high school weight, and it worked.  I loved being the old me.  Ever since my second, I haven't hit that weight, and am a horrible food cheater.  If the food is here, I will eat it.  I'm trying to weed out most of the snack food, but I have to keep some for my boys.  I don't have anything that's really bad for us, but I still shouldn't eat it.

I actually started taking the right steps to a better me on Monday, I decided I wasn't waiting until the first or second to start being the best me I can be.  I have searched and searched on the internet, pinned all kinds of new ideas and recipes and even started running again, granted I'm not as fast as I was, but I will get there.

As for the new me, I want to eat cleaner, more fruits and veggies, less processed foods, which is extremely hard to do, at least so far it is.  I want the defined muscles, the ones that people say wow, I want those.  I've owned P90x for years, and am going to actually start using it.  I'm going to start making more time for me before and after the kids are in bed.  I want not only myself to be healthy, but also my family.  It is going to be hard work, but nothing worth keeping is easy, right?

What goals have you set for yourself?  Share them in a comment, and we can motivate each other!

Here are a couple signs I found on Pinterest.  I find them a little motivational.

If you'd like to follow me, and see my fitness and running boards, click here.

Good Luck and Happy Thursday!


Coffee and Banana Smoothie

Here is a great treat that I adapted from a recipe in Health Magazine to help with that mid afternoon hunger pain.  It's delicious and it helps you feel full until your next meal!

What you'll need:
1 banana
1 cup Chocolate Almond Milk
1/2 cup cold black coffee
2 tsp sugar

Blend all ingredients  together until smooth.  Serves 2 and is 95.5 calories per serving!  Not bad, right?

If you have any great Hunger busters, please share a link in the comments, I would love to try it!