

A Family Halloween

Wishing you all a Very Happy Halloween, from our family to yours! 

I hope you all are safe, especially our friends and family on the East Coast, you all are in our thoughts and prayers!  Love, Army Man, Rex, Woody, Buzz and Little Bo Peep! xoxo BJ


Pumpkin Pretzels

Last Friday was D's Class Halloween Party.   I love to make everything cute and memorable!  I decide to try to make pumpkin pretzels.  It was pretty simple, and they turned out really cute!  The kids and teacher, or course, loved them!

All you need is a bag of pretzels
green M&M's (I found a bag of all green ones, mint)
2 bags of orange Wilton's chocolates

After you dip the pretzels in the chocolate, lay them on your wax paper and place the M&M on them while they are still hot, once cool, it will stay in place.
They look more like pumpkins if you add a lot of chocolate to them, not so much if you're easy on the chocolate.


Halloween drinks

For all you homeroom mom's or those of you that just like a cute idea.  Here are the drinks that I made for my little guy for his Halloween party tomorrow.

All you need is Juice boxes, the actual box kind
google eyes
white duct tape

Wrap the boxes with the tape, add the eyes, wrap the eyes so they stay in place and viola, you're done.  It takes a while, but they turned out so cute.  My little mummy army.
Be sure to leave the opening on top for the straw.

Pretty simple and so cute, thanks Pinterest for the idea.

Hope you all are having a fabulous week!  
xoxo BJ


Vampire Bite Cocktail

Who's ready for The Vampire Diaries to return tonight?  I AM!!! It has been a long summer without Damon!  So to celebrate Thirsty Thursday and The Vampire Diaries return,  I'd like to share a cocktail that looks and taste delish!

A Vampire's Bite

1 scoop Vanilla Ice Cream
1 oz triple sec
1/2 oz white creme de cacao
Drizzle of Grenadine

1.  Blend all ingredients in blender except grenadine, until smooth
2.  Pour into glass of choice
3. Drizzle grenadine over top
4.  Enjoy!

If you have a recipe you'd like featured on iBlog4me, email it to me at DATSSOCUTE(AT)GMAIL(DOT)COM  or tweet me today and let me know!

Be sure to say hi and hashtag #cheers!  Here's to a great day, and an excellent return of Damon, and The Vampire Diaries!



Birthday Love

My how a year flies.  You really don't realize how fast they go until you have little ones, and they do so many things in a year that it passes without you realizing it.

I have spent the past year getting up every three hours in the middle of the night to feed my precious angel, changed more diapers than I care to count, given 365 baths, wiped countless noses, and tears, rocked my angel until I can hear his beating heart, and kissed more boo boos than I've had in my adult life.  I've also gone through all of my lasts, like watching a new baby smile, roll over,  crawl, sit up and walk.  It is not only extremely rewarding to watch them grow up, but terribly sad.  If you blink it's over, that's probably why you don't get much sleep the first year, who am I kidding, you don't sleep much the first 18.

Anyhow, today is my baby's 1st birthday.  As a woman I've never been happier than during the life of my babies.  They bring me such joy and heartache (good of course)  all at the same time.  I thought I would share with you all some of the pictures that I'm most proud of.

Happy Birthday Little Man, we love you more than words can say!


Simple Halloween Pumpkin Craft

At the beginning of the year I lost all of my photos to my posts.  I wanted to cry!!!  Since I haven't been able to put them ALL back up, I thought I would take a new photo, and link you back to some of the posts so that you have a picture and instructions to the craft.  I hope that if you missed these crafts, that you have a chance to try them out!  Sorry about the pics!

Simple Halloween Pumpkin Craft


Instagram Photo a day October

If you love instagram, and you love the Photo a day challenges, you should join us over at iBlog4me in the fun!

 Be sure to tell your friends!  You can check out my photo today here
Happy Photographing! xoxo BJ