

Race for the Cure- Columbus

Hey all, so tomorrow's the day I've been practicing for since January!  The Columbus Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure.
It's my first race, and I can't imagine a better one to start with.  If you all don't know why this race is so dear to my heart, then you'll have to start here.

I went to see my beautiful friend Wendy on Wednesday, while at Chemo.  She is such a strong woman!
Even with needles in her arm, bruises from blown veins, and knowing how sick this medicine is about to make her, she has the most beautiful smile!!

 All you ladies out there that have fought Cancer are amazing!  I mean truly, they go through things the rest of us can't imagine.  I know if I'm having a bad day, it doesn't compare to Wendy's or anyone else going through the hell of Chemo.  I think of her and know that my days could be a whole lot worse.  She is my inspiration and HERO, as are all of you that are fighting cancer!

Tomorrow, in the mass of 50,000 people, I'm only a small dot trying to help with cancer research.  There is still so much we can all do.  I will post pictures of the race, and the activities.  I think I read that this race in Columbus is the 2nd largest 5K in the country, that's crazy!  I'm so proud to be a part of this, and knowing I'm helping fighting an amazing cause.

If you want to help or just read about Breast Cancer, here is a link.  If you are in the Columbus, Ohio area, check out our local site, or come out and join us!

Have an amazing day!

1 comment:

  1. Sending you happy thoughts and good luck wishes!!! :) DO well girl!
