

Motivation Monday- Holiday week

I think this says it best!  With the Fourth of July only 4 days away, I need to remind myself, even if it's the Fourth, and I really can eat what I want, do I want to fall into old habits and feel the way I use to?  Holidays were a time of eating everything that was made then feeling like crap afterwards.  At what point do we say to ourselves, enough is enough?  We choose what we put into our bodies.  We choose to eat the food that fuels or food that tastes good as it goes down, then our bodies say, "what the hell is this crap, I'll make you feel like crap for putting it in yourself dummy."  Holidays and birthdays are the worst usually, we go to picnics, or parties that usually the crap food is served.  Hot dogs, hamburgers, pasta salad, chips, and so on.  I will be having a burger, but I'm going out and buying myself a chicken burger, will be passing on the bun and having plenty of fruit and veggies to fill me up.  I choosing to feel good about my holiday choices.

I read once in a magazine, eat at home before going to a party or activity.  This fills you up and you usually won't want any of the high calorie foods. If you do get hungry, or need a snack, grab some fruit or veggie, most parties have those trays.

My biggest problem doesn't lie in the food.  I have a sweet tooth, that I usually choose poorly, then feel horrible afterwards, even knowing the end result.  A great example would be yesterday when I attended a kids birthday party.  Most of the time I can refrain from cake, unless it's from one of the bakeries back home!  I seriously, cannot walk away from a slice of cake or a cupcake from one of my hometown bakeries.  I swear not even 10 mins after I ate half of the cupcake, my stomach hurt and I wanted to throw up from how sweet it was!  Oh the torture I choose, haha.  Anyway, I'm hoping since  while we're camping for the Fourth I don't have any bad foods, I'll be good to go.  Plan, plan, plan, is my best way of choosing wisely!

I don't diet, diets are fads that we do to lose weight.  Eating healthy, choosing wisely, is a way of life. I got rid of my fat clothes, because I have no intentions of gaining that weight back, ever!  Staying focused and choosing foods that help me to stay healthy and fit, is what I choose.

I hope you all have a fantastic Monday, set your goals, stay focused, and crush it!


Throwback Thursday 4th of July style

       With the 4th of July a week away, I thought I would share some pictures from years past.

Looking at these boys, just melts my heart, and I wish I could save them in a bottle so they never grow big.  Thankfully they have grown up loving the camera, as much as I take pictures.  Since they won't stay little forever, at least I have the pictures to look back on! 


Camping 101

Good Thursday Morning all!  It has been a while since posting, and I have missed you all.  Life has been busy, summer is in full swing and fun lies everywhere.

If you didn't already know, we are a camping family.  I grew up going camping with my parents, from towing our little 21' Prowler, to  parking our 34 1/2 Coachman at Big Bear Lake in West Virginia.  I have always loved it, and think it is one of the best ways to spend quality time as a family.  Camping is also a great way to teach your children many life lessons.

When we started camping as a family D was 6 1/2 months old.  We have gone every year since then to Myrtle Beach with my in-laws.  For the first 5 years we were lucky enough to be able to share their space in their RV.
 We spent many years loving the space we were able to share as a family.  It was a great way for us to become close, learn new things about each other, and my boys became close with their grandparents.  When we had little man, we grew too big to fit on the couch in the RV, and finally decided to purchase a camper of our own.  It was one of the best purchases we have made since being together.  We still go camping with the in-laws every summer, we just don't invade their space any more.

Choosing a campground has been pretty easy for us.  We try new campgrounds every season, and learn what we like and don't like, which is a really great way to decide if we will be going back. 

A must for choosing a spot is full hook up.  Call me a diva, or what you will, but I have to have full hook up.  For new campers, that is where a campground has, water, electric and sewage.  I like to be able to go to the bathroom in my own space, take a shower in my own shower, and run the air conditioner so that I don't have to sweat to death, especially in South Carolina in August!  Not every campground has all three.  Some people don't need all those things, it's just a matter of what you can and can't live without.  Many campground have very nice bath houses which many people use instead of their campers, other bath houses, aren't so great.  My favorite bathhouse is at the beach, and I enjoy extra long showers! (the best showers I take all year long)

If you can't afford a camper, there is the option to camp in a tent, or many campgrounds have cabins.  Campers come in many different sizes, shapes and price ranges. We are starting out with one that works for us now.  When the boys get older, the size of our camper will probably have to grow with them. We don't need some enormous, lavish camper, with all the bells and whistles.  We need a place to keep us dry when it rains, warm in the cool spring and fall air, and cold in the summer months. It carries the things we need and so far has been a great little home when we aren't in our Ohio home. Don't think that the option to buy is out, you might be surprised! 

This post is just going to be the first of many camping posts.  I'm going to write about the different campgrounds that we have stayed, what I like and don't like about each.  Tips and tricks for camping with kids.  The things I can't live without while we are in our home away from home.  Items we have made or adjusted to make camping and/or towing easier.  

I'm really excited to start writing again.  There will be recipe and workout posts also.  I have missed you all, and can't wait to hear from you soon!  

Have a beautiful day!  BJ


Central Ohioans Fight Alzheimer's, Summer Solstice Fundraising Celebration

MEDIA ALERT: Central Ohioans Fight Alzheimer’s from Sunrise to Sunset
The Alzheimer’s Association Central Ohio Chapter and Participants.

On The Longest Day, which takes place on the summer solstice, volunteers in Central Ohio and around the world come together to honor the strength, passion and endurance of those facing Alzheimer's with 16 hours of activity and fundraising. Held on the summer solstice, June 21, 2014, this event calls on participants to enjoy an activity of their choice, from sunup to sundown, to raise funds and awareness to advance the efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.

The event takes place on the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, to give participants a sense of what 24/7 caregivers experience each day. Participants will take part in more than 16 consecutive hours of an activity of their choice and raise $100 per hour, for a total of $1600 over the course of the day, to show their compassion and support for those living with Alzheimer’s, along with their respect and admiration to the more than 15 million caregiver who provide committed, around-the-clock assistance to those suffering with the disease. Activities can include but are not limited to: bowling, boating, playing cards, walking, playing sports, baking, dancing, hiking, crafting, etc. Individuals and groups can organize activities and rally friends and family to partake and raise funds for the Alzheimer’s Association.

To participate, individuals and groups can visit

Saturday, June 21, 2014

WHERE:Central Ohio, National, International

MEDIA CONTACT:For additional information and to interview or to be put in touch with families and groups in Central Ohio who are participating, please contact Heather DeSantisDeSantis@rmdadvertising or (614) 794.2008.