

PGA golfers show the love

Hey all!  Now that schools out, I have the pleasure of spending time with all 3 of my babies all day long!  It really is a pleasure to have them all with me and doing fun and exciting things together.

If you all ever get the opportunity to go to a professional golf tournament, do it!  Last Wednesday, we had the chance to go to the Memorial Tournament here in Columbus, Ohio.  I had never been, and didn't know what to expect, but I am so thankful that we went.  Not only did my oldest get to experience seeing professional athletes at work, but he got the rare opportunity to meet a few of them, and get their autographs.  I don't know how many athletes take the time to autograph stuff for their fans, but quite a few of these guys signed items.  I really do have a new found respect for Golfers.

The boys got autographs from
Webb Simpson

Jason Day

Jay Haas

Rory McIlroy

 Baby Diesel was personally handed a ball from Phil Mickelson
and both boys have a new favorite golfer

Rickie Fowler is the sweetest young man!  
He took at least 15 mins to sign autographs, not only for the kids, but for the older women.  He even gave the fans the chance to put their arms around him for a photo.  How many professional athletes do that?   Not many.  
I think this shows a lot about this up and coming golfer.  

I look forward to next years tournament, and for all of the fun things we have planned for our boys this summer.  

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