

Weight loss tip

One of the biggest weight loss tips I can recommend is using a diet journal.  Anytime I try to lose weight, this has been the key to my big weight loss.  There have been times when I don't use one, and I don't lose weight.  I think that by writing down what I eat, and keep track of the calories, I am accountable for my meals.  Even after a year, knowing what you eat, it's still important to write it down!

My favorite journal is this one.  It has different categories in it to keep track of protein, water, sodium, etc.  They even make it small enough to put in a purse.  In the back, it has different foods with their values you in, making it easy to find.

Of course if you would rather go paperless, you can use My fitness pal, which is a pretty good one too.  This is the one I'm trying to use this time, but am really bad at it.  I don't know if it's because I don't like to type it in after my meals, or if it's because it's not written down in front of me.  Either way, I just haven't been in to it, and haven't lost any weight.  I think the paper book is more for me.

With that being said, next week, I'm going to start fresh.  Get my run in, drink my water, watch what I eat, and WRITE IT DOWN!  If you are in the same boat, share your best tip please.  I'm willing to try almost everything!

Have a Happy Thursday! Love, BJ



  1. I use Spark People. :) I don't join the groups or anything all I do is keep track of my eating, water and exercise. I have an app for my phone too so I can add food as I eat. :)

    Good luck with the journaling!

  2. Im with you writing it all down is the best way to keep track. Drinking enough water is my problem, so my Husband makes me a Pitcher every morning. By the end of the day if it's not empty, which it never is, I get the lecture.
