

Child Proofing

What exactly does this mean and what age does it work for?  There are many products out there that claim to work but have seemed to fall short of working properly for us. Here are a few items that we needed to change.

Obviously when a baby starts to crawl, anything with a sharp edge (like a fireplace or glass table) needs to be secured.  Instead of buying the bumpers at many stores, one could simply buy a "noodle" like the ones used in swimming pools.  There much cheaper and work just as well.

Next, outlet plugs.  They work good until your toddler is about 2 if your lucky.  Once they figure out they can get their little finger nails behind the plastic, its over.  The ones that fully cover both outlets have a similar life line in my house as my 2 year old just beats on it until it breaks or falls off.

See, cover gone.

Another scary area is the kitchen.  Many chemicals and other dangers are always present.  The oven knobs present challenges because once your toddler can reach them, they like to try and turn them.  Instead of buying covers at your local baby store, simply remove them and put them up in a cabinet.  Install locks on all drawers and cabinets below the counter line so they can not be opened by a toddler or visiting relative.

Simply remove knobs.

In my house the refrigerator and pantry get locks too.  The reason why is because our 2 year old likes to climb.  He also likes to get up a 5:30 am and go downstairs with his 5 year old brother.  Obviously these two together can be mischievous and not exactly eat the proper food.  One morning we came downstairs and they were eating a bag of M&M's, not exactly breakfast food.  He can reach the fridge and pantry doors and pull them open.  So I decided to install a Fort Knox type of lock on the pantry.  This is only locked when we go to bed and unlocked when we get up.  This way there is no junk food eating before 6 am.

Possibly overkill, but no more M&M breakfasts.
Before wasting money and child proofing everything, contact friends who have toddlers and see what tricks they are using or have used, or shoot us an email at We'll be glad to try and answer your questions.  We are by no means experts, but we have years of experience.  You will save money and have a safe house hold for your little one or ones to run around.  But be careful because they like to watch and study what you are doing and before you know it, they will figure it out.

Have a Safe and Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. We just recently started baby proofing. We didn't go as far as noodling the coffee table, but we did cover the outlets. =)
