

Spring Fever

Now that it's officially spring, you would think it would feel like spring.  Some of us could ask for some spring weather, it snowed yesterday, ugh, really.  Anyway, this lovely little drink called spring fever , puts me in the mood at least.

Spring Fever

3/4 oz lemon juice                                                    
3/4 oz mango syrup
1 1/2 oz apple juice
 2 oz blood orange juice

Shake ingredients with ice
Strain into Collins glass half filled with ice        

I hope you have a wonderfully happy Thirsty Thursday!  If you have a favorite drink you would like to share, or would like to find one, check it out at FTLOB


Holiday Craft Extravaganza

I am so excited about this one!!!  FTLOB is hosting a Holiday Craft Extravaganza for Easter/Passover.  What is that you say?  It will be a place where you can link up your Easter/ Passover crafts, recipes, home decor etc.  anything Easter/ Passover related.  Pretty cool, right?  I think it will be awesome to go link all of my crafts for Easter for everyone to see at FTLOB, it gives them a chance to get more exposure than if I were to just post on here.

The Craft Extravaganza will be going on from April 1st-23rd, so that gives us all plenty of time to  post several holiday ideas.  It also gives us plenty of time to find other cool ideas to use before Easter/Passover arrives.  Another cool thing about the Extravaganza is that they are going to host one every holiday!  We will be able to link our 4th of July stuff, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, so cool!

Thank you ladies for hosting the Extravaganza!  I think it will be great!

So friends, pass the word along, tell your friends so they can post their ideas and we can all have a huge bank of holiday ideas.  I can't wait to see what you share!

Have a wonderful humpday!


Pasta e Fagioli

So I love Pasta e Fagioli, it's easy and yummy, esp. my version!  I add a little something, something to it, because just the beans and pasta don't cut it.  So here is my version.

1 Pound ditalini macaroni
1 Pound Sausage
1 clove garlic, cleaned and sliced thin
2 Tablespoons tomato paste
1/4 Cup Olive oil
1 28-Oz. can diced tomatoes
3 Tablespoons chopped parsley separate
 1 Quart of chicken broth, (I like beef broth too)

Brown sausage, onion and garlic.  Add tomato and parsley with the liquid from the tomatoes to the sausage mixture.  Dissolve the tomato paste in the broth.  Add this to the diced tomato and seasoning mixture.  Empty the beans (do not drain) to the mixture.  Cover and simmer for one hour.  In a separate kettle, cook the macaroni and drain it, add to the bean and tomato mixture, cover and simmer for 45 minutes.  Before serving, salt and pepper to taste.



Sprig Soarin’ Sea Plane Review

I’d have to say we were pretty excited to receive Sprig’s Soarin’ Sea Plane.  

Since I fly, most of the toys we buy are aviation related so this was a natural fit.  A huge benefit to this toy is that it is Eco Friendly.  It is made out of Sprigwood which consists of reclaimed sawdust and recycled plastic.  Yes, the Soarin’ Sea Plane smells like wood and is actually quite pleasant.  The packaging that it came in is recyclable as well and was held in securely by a few rubber bands.  This was by far the easiest toy that I have ever removed from a box.  

Along with the Sea Plane came a Pelican and a little pilot with a helmet.  It weighs about 1 ½ pounds and is actually quite large measuring 10" x 7.8" x 7.5".
            Well shortly after coming out of the box, the Sea Plane was test flown by two little kamikaze boys.  The older one took the plane and flew it around the living room and even threw it as if it could actually fly.  The little one took the little pilot with his helmet and thought it was his new toothpick while he flew the pelican in the air.  Good thing this Soarin’ Sea Plane is made extremely well because it has had its share of crashes and is still in great shape.  The true test for us came that night at bath time.  Since it’s a “sea plane”, it was time to see if it could float.  Let’s set the scene.  Water filled the tub, boys entered the water and the Soarin’ Sea Plane was cleared to land.  I’d have to say it was a nice landing, pretty smooth (like mine), but that was it.  After stopping the Soarin’ Sea Plane took on water and sank to the bottom like the Titanic.  Now before you get all disappointed, read on.  The sinking was caused by rough water.  Take a guess who could have caused that issue.  The Soarin' Sea Plane will actually float if it is left in flat, calm waters.  When the boys get to splashing, the sea plane has two little holes on top of each pontoon which will take on water and cause the toy to flip and sink. 

            The Soarin’ Sea Plane has been a wonderful, indestructible toy (so far), that the boys love to play with.  Just visit for more information and also see many more options that they have.  They may also be found on  Facebook and Twitter.

Steve ✈


Portraits by D.

Da Freakout decided to have a photo shoot with his brother.  He took out the sheet, draped it over the chair and went to town.  This is all him.  

Not too bad for a 4 year old, right? I hope you have an amazing weekend!


Crayola Window

Today I thought I would share  this wonderful little find with all of you that have children, nephews, nieces, grandkids, teachers, or know some kids that you enjoy buying things for.  
Crayola Window Crayons
 They are wonderful if you are stuck in the house on rainy or snowy days;  if you feel like decorating your windows with your children's art, or even with your own.  They aren't messy like most other window art, and they clean off super easy!

 I taught Da Freakout how to draw hearts with them, and now he draws them everywhere.  The kids love it, and I do too, since it's such an easy clean up.
 As you can see, he wiped it right off and started with a new color.  Here we were practicing adding.  Since it was different, and he wasn't getting in trouble for writing on the windows, he picked it up really easily.  They are a must buy in my book!
Let's say Thank you Crayola for coming up with lovely crayons, and thanks to Santa for bringing them.   He is so smart :)

I hope you all have a FABULOUS day, and weekend!  Love to all!


Kiwi Mango Mint

Happy Thursday friends!  I hope you all are having an amazing week, and the weather is treating you well.  We had warm weather Mon. -Wed. here, and it is going to snow this morning.  I Love Ohio.  (can you hear the sarcasm?) It is what it is.  I'm not it going to let it damper my Thursday mood, I'm going to brighten it with a lovely little cocktail for us all!

Kiwi Mango Mint
(can we say yummers?)

1 part 42 Below Kiwi Vodka
5 parts mango nectar or juice
8 mint leaves

1. Fill glass with ice
2.  Add mint leaves and vodka
3. Top with nectar or juice
4.  Stir well
5.  Enjoy!

I hope you enjoy the drink and have a wonderful Thursday!


A bicycle built for two...

I enjoy being outdoors.  I love to run outside when I can, and we love to ride bikes.  One great thing we have near us is a trail that goes on for miles and miles.  I run three miles, four days a week, so I would say that I'm in pretty good condition, not great because there is always room for improvement, but you know. Anywho, we went for a bike ride and to tell you the truth, it makes me feel like I'm not in good shape at all!  I am sore in places I've forgotten about.   I forgot how many different muscles you use between running and bike riding, it is unbelievable.  I mean seriously, I would probably have bangin legs, if I could stand to do both everyday, or every other day, but I hate working walking through the pain.  I can now see why triathlon athletes are fit!  The amount of total body work you have to do to swim, bike and run, is amazing. I am so impressed with anyone that trains for events like triathlons, the amount of pain you are in from head to toe for weeks just getting into some sort of shape is unreal.

I would love to do more bike riding, but I seriously hate the pain.  What makes it more challenging is pulling an extra 70 pounds behind me.  Yeah, I have to pull one of those little trailers with both boys in it down the trail.  If it was completely flat, it wouldn't be so bad, or if Steve pulled them, that would be cool, but for me to do it myself.  UGH! I have to say, it's not Steve's fault,  I usually take the boys when he's at work, so in his defense, he's not here, I know he would pull them if he were.  I love to be out, I love to take the boys places, but I am ready for the oldest to ride his bike on his own without complaining he's tired, so that I don't have to pull his heavy little booty anymore, or have a bicycle built for 3 or 4 so that I could get a little help.

I hope you all are having a great week, enjoying the weather while it lasts.  I know in Ohio we are supposed to get snow AGAIN, it just makes me want to scream, pack up the house, and move south.  I really am a southern girl.  :)

Have a Happy Humpday lovelies!


Impossible Chesseburger Pie

I found this recipe on the back of my Bisquick box years ago, and have been making it since.  My hubby loves it.  It is so easy to make, and it's a crowd pleaser!

1lb ground beef
1 cup chopped onion
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
1/2 cup Bisquick Original baking mix
1 cup milk
2 eggs

Heat oven to 400 degrees
Grease 9" pie plate
Cook ground beef and onion until beef is brown; drain
Stir in salt.
Spread in pie plate
Sprinkle with cheese

Stir remaining ingredients with fork until blended.  Pour into pie plate

Bake 25 mins or until knife inserted in center comes out clean

Enjoy!  Have a Tasty Tuesday


Spring, with a twist! (recipe)

Friends and neighbors I do believe that we have made it out of winters cold dark clutches. I’m not sure if it is the reappearance of that big shiny thing in the sky or the extra hour of daylight that we get to enjoy that has snapped me out of my late winter funk or not. I do know that spring is here, my flower garden is showing distinctive signs of life as the new shoots are breaking free from the earth that has entombed and sheltered them from winters frosty bite. I have been a bit under the weather, and the couch and basketball has been the perfect cure. What is better than March madness and a great snack? I know that this is going to be quite a departure from surviving, guns and my typical topics, but it is a great snack that’s fun to make and something for the kids to do as well.

The word pretzel comes from the word bracellae, meaning little arms, so this is a perfect treat to have the kids join in. They are super fun, easy and quite tasty. Here is how you can make your own!
Mix 1 pkg. active dry yeast with 1Tbs sugar in 1 ½ cups lukewarm water. The mixture should bubble and get a crowd pleasing reaction from the younger kids. Stir in 1tsp. salt and 4 cups flour. Place on a floured board and knead in ½ cup more flour. Knead for about 8 minutes, or use a dough hook on your Kitchenaid. Divide into pieces, roll into ropes, and shape into pretzels. Let rise until about double in size. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Place pretzels on greased cookie sheet. Brush with a mixture of 1 egg yolk mixed with 2Tbs water, and sprinkle with kosher salt. Bake for 12 minutes or until golden brown.
Enjoy and rejoice for springtime, going barefoot, and that really bright thing in the sky… I think that they call it the sun. Be safe and happy pretzelling!


Ahhhh warm weather!

So it's finally spring and we had 2 beautiful warm days here in Ohio!  Finally!  I truly believe I'm a southern girl, I need heat!  I hate being cold.  Here is how we spent the past 2 days!  I hope you all had beautiful weather to enjoy.

Da Freakout learned to ride his bike without training wheels!
They grow up to fast!

 Have an amazing weekend! 


For the Love of Blogs an amazing place!

Today I thought I would share with those of you that don't know about my beautiful friends over at For the Love of Blogs all the lovely that goes on over there.  I know that you've seen I always join their hops and they have one almost  everyday, which is AWESOME for those of you hop happy folks.  I'm a little addicted, it's like a sickness or something haha.  My favorite of course is Thirsty Thursday

Not that I'm a big drinker, but I love to share the drinks I love or like to make since I was a bartender years ago.  I also love to find new yummy ones!  If you are a hop fan, go check these out.
Sunday Comment LoveMagical MondayTasty TuesdayFab Friends FridayWeekend Wander

Today you can meet some new Fab Friends 

I love that FTLOB, feels like a safe place.  It's not like other communities that I've joined and feel like an ant drowning in water.  FTLOB makes you feel welcome, they want you to participate in the Groups.  There are a few  Coffee Lovers

There is one for just about everyone.  There are not tons and tons and tons that you get 50 dumb emails everyday.  That is so annoying, but doesn't happen here.  They are people that love to chat about the same things you do.

There is a page for Crafters, which of course I love! A page for Etsy shop owners, a place to link your facebooktwitter, or blog lovin also.

If you love to shop handmade, or if you make handmade that you sell, you should check out their magazine We heart shops.  It's lovely!

I think they are amazing ladies trying to help all of us little bloggers, or even big bloggers.  They have a post everyday with a blog being featured, where they spotlight you and your blog so others get exposure to it. 

Joining the community, gives you a  place to link your blog so that while others are linking or looking for new blogs, you're there!  

They have wonderful blogging tips and great tutorials.  This is where I learned to make my button!

There is so much over there I could go on and on.  You should go check it out for yourselves.

I really can't say enough lovely things about these beautiful ladies.  They are easy to chat with and are always willing to help.  

I feel say and comfy when I'm visiting For the Love of Blogs.  It kind of feels like home. I really love 
They are not just beautiful on the outside, they are amazingly beautiful on the inside! 
Thank you ladies for all you do for all of us! 

Have a beautiful day friends and go check out FTLOB


Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

For each petal on the shamrock
this brings a wish your way, 
Good health, good luck and happiness
For today and everyday
-Author Unknown

It's a great day to celebrate Thirsty Thursday!!

Cheers Friends!


What's in my bag

My lovely friend Chrissy at chrissyinamerica 
Sent me this fun little ditty.  To show you all what's in my bag.  So here you go....
My bag for now.  I change them often, I like it to match what I'm wearing, plus I get bored
Coach Diaper Bag
(from the outlet, since it's always cheaper there)
 here's what's in it

 Tonka Mini Truck
Mini First Aid Kit, because I always need band aids!
Huggie Wipes, good for everything!
LUVS diapers
oral-gel, aquaphor and nail clippers
hand wipes
 Grooming kit(clippers, nail file, etc.
contact drops
sticky notes
5 pens- blue, 2 black, pink, fun blue(I love pens)
Peppermint twist hand sanitizer
Home genetics all purpose cleaner
Aveda Had Relief
Ultimate Gold bond healing lotion
Bath and Body White Citrus body lotion
Australian Gold Sunblock Lip Balm
Aveda Lip tint-Verbena
Roger's Honey All Natural Lip balm
Liplicious Mocha
Liplicious Candied Apple

Ravishing by Oakley
Oakley cleaner
Coach medicine holder
Extra Strawberry Shortcake gum
Mom's Planet Organizer
Coach Wallet
Sony Cybershot camera
Casio calculator

So there ya have it. What's sad is I fit the same stuff into all my bags! If you would like to do this, go for it!  I would love to see what you carry!  

Have a wonderful Humpday!