

Death by Chocolate-Heaven!

At my cousin's wedding reception, tradition in our family is to have a cookie table.  We have the traditional Italian cookies, and some classics.  Well on this evening, there was a new little chocolate ball that looked too good to resist.  With the first bite I fell in love!  I'm not a big chocolate eater, or desserts for that matter, but when I find something I like, watch out.  I asked her mom what it was, and when she told me, I couldn't believe how easy it was.  So yesterday afternoon I decided it was time to try it and share with you all.  I call it: Death by Chocolate-Heaven, because it is the best chocolate thing I've ever eaten!  In reality, it is called an Oreo Truffle.

What you'll need:
1 package of OREOs
1 8oz Cream Cheese, softened
16 oz's of Semi Sweet Chocolate chips

 Crush about 7 cookies into fine crumbs in the food processor; set aside for later

Crush remaining cookies into fine crumbs; place into bowl.  Add cream cheese; mix until well blended.
Roll cookie mixture into balls, about 1 inch in diameter
Put Chocolate in double broiler to melt or microwave
Dip balls in chocolate; place on wax paper-covered baking sheet

 Sprinkle with reserved cookie crumbs
Refrigerate until firm, about 1 hour.  Store leftover truffles, covered in refrigerator and ENJOY

For my Thirsty Thursday Drink, being that they are OREO's, I have to have a nice tall glass of Milk
Not real fancy, but I don't think too much alcohol would taste good with these.

Have a Great Thursday! ♥ BJ
Join me over at the Thirsty Thursday Hop and Meet new friends!


  1. those look scrumptious!!! I am definitely going to bookmark this recipe!! Thank you love!

  2. OMG - they look amazingly delicious!

  3. I'm so glad that I'm about to head out to lunch because this post made me SO HUNGRY!!!

    Have a great day!


  4. Delish!! I made these for Christmas last year and they were a big hit. We call them Oreo Balls in these parts although I think Death by Chocolate sounds prettier!

  5. YUMALICIOUS! I will make these. And I probably will eat them ALL. Thank you for sharing!

  6. thoze look SO good! I am gonna have to keep this for a future recipe. Thank You. *smile*

  7. I think I just drooled onto my keyboard...

  8. Yummy ! I am a new follower. I hope you come by to say hi.

  9. Hi, Chocolate cookies are yummy..I followed you on google friends from I hope you follow me back. Thanks : )
